Sunday, November 30, 2014

Triplicane Market - A quick acrylic

Triplicane market - Acrylic by KravMaga SreeRam
Every art has a dominant theme, which the artist has to decide before putting his pencil to the paper. The theme could be Character study, Light study, Perspective study or an exciting treatment like charcoal, water color wash, pen lines and so on.
In this painting even though there is a typical Indian color palette, which itself is an attraction due to its ethnicity, the drama is provided by the strong light contrast and the deep perspective.

The normal perspective is based on the gradual reduction in size and height when objects go towards horizon.
Another interesting device used by artists to indicate depth is "Light perspective'. Objects going towards the horizon gradually lose their natural hue and  acquire the hue of the atmosphere.
This light perspective is very obvious in fog or mist. Even in hot weather the shimmering atmosphere provides the gradual feeling of depth. In cityscapes the pollution will give that depth.
Light perspective by KravMaga SreeRam
Generally, CONTRAST is a great device to produce that WOW as soon the audience looks at art. The objects nearer to the viewer will be darker. The gradual CHANGE IN VALUE -Dark to Light, gives the viewer the gradation of distance.
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Acrylic on paper board
Size without border -33 x 46cm
Ref. No. 21
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

1 subject - 2 treatments

Line vs wash. Weiwei by KravMaga SreeRam
Taking one subject and doing 2 different medium is a stimulating exercise. Especially if the artist chooses to experiment with 2 contrasting styles, like -
Line vs Wash
Water color vs charcoal
Pencil vs acrylic
Many of the great artists are versatile. They did their initial study in quick chalk, charcoal sketches before going for the formal oil paint.
Sometimes these casual strokes have more life and vibrancy than the final product which is executed with lots of deliberation.
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Pen and Water color
Size without border - 27 x 30 cm
Ref. No. 20
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Market - சந்தை

Based on a click by Mr Henk Oochapan, His picture was in 'landscape' mode. I took the basic theme and adapted it to 'Portrait' mode.
When staring at the picture, I found interesting planes going into perspective and decided that will be the holding element for the work.
Plane and Perspective study
The colors of the plastic sheets was a winner. To achieve that saturation, I applied the paint thick . Once the paint was dry, the strokes of white did the desired sheen effect.
The light upward angle of the front road is deliberate. I didn't want the visual to sit heavy and static. That slant will add to the drama.
Juxtaposition is another element
Solid vs Gradation, 
Closed end vs open wash ends, 
Bright saturation vs earthy colors.
'CONTRAST' is always a big eye-ball magnet. 
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Acrylic on 300 gsm board
Size without border - 50 x 70 cm
Ref. No. 19
For sale
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter

Monday, November 24, 2014

Contemplation - A mental snapshot

Acrylic by KravMaga SreeRam
Mental snapshot and painting from memory
A camera does not make distinction in recording what it looks at.
The major shortcoming in painting from a photo reference is that the artist ceases to create. He is just copying.
When one is learning the basics, this is acceptable practice; as this improves the confidence of brush strokes and also the aesthetic sensitivity.

But, true creativity is creating something new.
To develop that unique ability to create something new, OBSERVE. Then paint from memory.
Painting from memory is more challenging and rewarding than even painting on location. Unlike a camera, you remember only what is worth remembering. Paint only that, Rest of the elements are mere support devices.

Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Acrylic on scribbling pad
Size without border - 20 x 15 cm
Ref. No. 18
Not For sale
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A quickie on terrace

Watercolor by KravMaga SreeRam

Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Water color on 130 gsm paper
Size without border - 25 x 17 cm
Ref. No. 17
For sale
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wash in quarry pond

Wash in quarry pond by KravMaga SreeRam
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Pastels on Textured paper
Size without border - 63 x 40 cm
Ref. No. 16
For sale
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Evening dip in Vaigai river, Madurai

Vaigai, Madurai by KravMaga SreeRam
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Watercolor on 130 gsm paper
Size without border - 20 x 25 cm
Ref. No. 15
For sale
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Jacques Cousteau

Jacques Cousteau by KravMaga SreeRam

Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Pen and Water color on Paper
Size without border - 25 x 20 cm
Ref. No. 13
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Friday, November 14, 2014


Nehru by KravMaga SreeRam
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Poster on Paper
Size without border - 20 x 25 cm
Ref. No. 13
For sale
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Singer P Suseela ( P சுசீலா )

P Suseela by KravMaga SreeRam
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Crayon on 130 gsm Paper
Size without border - 24 x 20 cm
Ref. No. 12
For sale
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Manicure to Grand Ma

Manicure to Grand Ma by KravMaga SreeRam
Artist - KravMaga SreeRam
Acrylic on 130 gsm Paper
Size without border - 56 x 40 cm
Ref. No. 04
Ph;  0-934 000 66 00
Please don't reproduce in any medium, in any form without formal permission of the painter