Thursday, August 22, 2019

Manaseega Gurus - 01 - John Constable

In 18th century England, landscape painters were not respected. Biblical, mythological themes or portraits only were considered art. John Constable coming from rural Suffolk did not care much for the critics and painted the scenes around Dedham Vale, which even now is called 'Constable Country'.
While his own England did not recognize him, Constable became a rage in France where his 'The Hay wain" won the Gold at 1824 Paris Salon.

He was way ahead of his time with his Plein air oils, which captured the drama of sunlight on clouds, water and sprawling fields. In fact, John Constable was an inspiration to the later Impressionists.
John Constable's paintings consciously avoided the signs of the booming industrialization. Thats why he is the quintessential painter of idyllic rural England.

SreeRam 9380000555

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